Most users (read n00bs on Linux) usually think that they only need to go to Synaptic Package Manager, Mark all Upgrades and then ta-dah!! everything is up-to-date.
Well, you’re wrong dude. I bet that most users are using Firefox 3.5, if you wanna check it by yourself go to the Help Menu > About firefox.

Anyway, the latest stable version of Firefox is 3.6. It’s much easier to add a new repository rather than going to the website, download, unpack, install.. time is precious guys. o__0

Since the Ubuntu fellas won’t update Karmic Koala repos with this release – don’t ask me why this is happening, but I bet that the official Firefox Stable PPA will be added only on Lucid Lynx 10.04 – upcoming Ubuntu Linux.

So here’s the recipe dudes:

1) Open a terminal window
2) Copy and paste the following line:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable ; sudo aptitude update

3) Head to System > Administration > Update Manager (or even Synaptic)
4) If you’re on Firefox 3.5 Update Manager will detect and pop up that there’s a new version available.. and the rest is up to you guys. Next next next next ok ok ok ok.

Be happy 🙂
There’s no need to waste time downloading and installing all your appz manually if you can add a new repo.

It’s always good to check if there’s an official PPA of your fav appz and add them using Terminal or GUI (software packages option).